Donations & Sponsorships

At Big Frig, we are proud to support many great events and organizations in our industry and community.

We believe it is important to address every request that is submitted for consideration. However, due to the large number of requests that we receive on a daily basis for donations, sponsorships, and advertising, Big Frig is not able to honor all of them.

In order to facilitate a timely response to your inquiry and to keep things fair amongst all requesters, we have established guidelines to follow when making your request.

These guidelines must be followed for us to consider your proposal.

  1. Please submit your request by downloading and completing the form linked below.
  2. Event sponsorship requests must be submitted no later than 6 weeks prior to the event.
  3. Big Frig is only able to accept one marketing request per organization per year.
  4. Big Frig’s support of your organization in the past does not guarantee our future support.
    All donations and sponsorships are subject to Big Frig’s discretion. Only those requests that meet the above criteria and are deemed appropriate by Big Frig will be granted.